小满时苦菜总是很活跃,它们已经渐渐长大,成熟了,探出了一片片碧绿碧绿的小脑袋。许多人们在挖着它,吃着它,为了降低身体里的燥热火气。小麦的籽粒已经 很饱满充足了,纤细的身子在微风中舞蹈着,非常快乐。但在这个时候,农民叔叔们总是很小心翼翼地保护着它们,不让破坏者干热风伤害它们。还有一群活泼可爱的“小娃娃”-蚕宝宝,在这个时候 总是需要细心呵护与照料的,它们会结成一团白花花的茧,这时,它们就像贵妇人一样趴着,特别娇 气。因此,人们经常在小满时节举行一场 盛大的仪式-祈蚕节,希望来年养蚕能有个好收成。
In Africa I heard a story about a giraffe that did not believe inhimself.
The giraffe's mother bad left him when he was a few days old because shecouldn't feed him. For three years he lived in the warden's house and playedwith the children.Then he grew too large for the house.
The family decided that he should return to his fellows.They took him tojoin a herd of wild giraffes.
One look was enough for the giraffe's small brain.He could not believe thatsuch extraordinary animals existed.Or that he was one of them!He turned andbolted.
The family took him back several times.In the end they gave up.Now theirgiraffe lives by himself near the warden's house.
Yesterday, I took the final exam of this term. I worked hard to prepare forit, but I was still nervous. I was afraid that I couldn’t do it well. I hadthree exams, Chinese, math and English. In the morning, it was the Chinese. Itwas not so difficult for me that I was sure I could be good in it. Then, it wasmath in the afternoon. It’s the part I was afraid of most. Not surprised, I metsome troubles in math exam. But I still hope they wouldn’t be serious. I am goodat English, so I didn’t worry about it. I knew I can do well in it. In short,the final exam was not so hard for me and I am quite sure the scores will beperfect.昨天,我参加了这学期的期末考试。虽然我很努力备考,但是考前我依然很紧张,我怕自己考不好。有三门考试,分别是语文、数学和英语。第一天早上考语文,这对我来说不算难,我相信自己能考好。下午考数学,这是我最怕的一科。不出意料,考试的时候果然碰到难题了,但我希望不会错得太离谱。英语是我的强项,所以我没有担心英语科目,我知道我会有优异的表现。总的来说,期考对于我来说并不算太难,我相信自己能考出好成绩。