拣,挑选。 拨开沙子来挑选金子。比喻从大量的东西中选取精华。又做“排沙拣金”。
The new X prize is designed to winnow the genetic wheat from the chaff.
At a certain point in the season, usually when critics' groups start handing out prizes in December, distributors start culling the herd.
But in history, no matter whether is from problems in handicraft technology or the performance technique, the only result is that it is hardly to find an exquisite one.
obtain gold by washing it from sand and gravel;extract sth. of worth from a miscellany;extract sth. valuable from a conglomerate mass;pan gravel for gold ;
出处 唐·刘知己《史通·直书》:“然则历考前史,征诸直词,虽古人糟粕,真伪相乱,而披沙拣金,有时获宝。”
示例 :(1)~,所获甚尠。(清·陶曾佑《中国文学之概观》)(2)这个唐诗选本做到了披沙拣金,使读者能用很少时间领略唐代诗歌的精华。
用法 作谓语、宾语、定语;指从大量的东西中选精