

英文单词piece的双语例句 篇1

1、 Lust, Caustion is such an elevated piece of art under the marketing disguise of sexuality that might go well beyond the genuineappreciationof themass.


2、 Will you bone this piece of fish for me?


3、 In fact, he declared it was of no use to work on his farm; it was the most pestilent little piece of ground in the whole country; every thing about it went wrong, and would go wrong, in spite of him.


4、 I would like a piece of cake and a cup of hot tea.


5、 That's because we have switched to piece goods market.


6、 At present, as the severe domestic competition in India market and the quickly rising of China market, more and more Indian software companies are heading to China to set up their subsidiaries, aiming to share a piece of cut in this world's largest cake.


7、 When a saw cuts easily through a piece of wood, the wood is in tension.


8、 In view of the quantity and complex nature of the proposals involved, the administration decided to prepare a new piece of planning''。


9、 The final output would be one-piece imposed page films lin four colours, or four press-ready printing plates.


英文单词piece的词典解释 篇2

1、 (断下、撕下或切下的)块,片,段,截

A piece of something is an amount of it that has been broken off, torn off, or cut off.

e.g. 。.。a piece of cake.


e.g. 。.。a piece of wood.


2、 (尤指可拆卸的)部件,部分

A piece of an object is one of the individual parts or sections which it is made of, especially a part that can be removed.

e.g. 。.。assembling objects out of standard pieces.。.


e.g. The equipment was taken down the shaft in pieces.


3、 (土地的)一块,一片

A piece of land is an area of land.

e.g. People struggle to get the best piece of land.


4、 (与不可数名词连用)桩,项,条,件

You can use piece of with many uncount nouns to refer to an individual thing of a particular kind. For example, you can refer to some advice as a piece of advice.

e.g. When I produced this piece of work, my lecturers were very critical.。.


e.g. It is a highly complex piece of legislation.


5、 (报纸或杂志上的一篇)文章;(一首或一部)音乐作品;(一段)广播节目;(一出)戏剧

You can refer to an article in a newspaper or magazine, some music written by someone, a broadcast, or a play as a piece 。

e.g. I disagree with Andrew Russell over his piece on British Rail.


e.g. 。.。a vaguely familiar orchestral piece.。.


6、 (一件)艺术品

You can refer to a work of art as a piece 。

e.g. Each piece is unique, an exquisite painting of a real person, done on ivory.。.


e.g. None of the pieces is insured.


7、 硬币

You can refer to specific coins as pieces. For example, a 10p piece is a coin that is worth 10p.

8、 棋子

The pieces which you use when you play a board game such as chess are the specially made objects which you move around on the board.

9、 (某物的`)一部分,一份

A piece of something is part of it or a share of it.

e.g. They got a small piece of the net profits and a screen credit.


e.g. 。.。the disclosure that Texas Air might sell a piece or all of Continental.


10、 see also: museum piece;party piece;set piece

11、 向…表明不满;对…直言

If you give someone a piece of your mind, you tell them very clearly that you think they have behaved badly.

e.g. How very thoughtless. I'll give him a piece of my mind.


英文单词piece的中文意思 篇3

英 [pi:s] 美 [pis]


1、 件:配件--各式厨房用具,具体算法是:锅盖也算一件(piece)物品,还有两张桌垫,一张是绑着的纸板,一张是印在外包装盒的反面的,都需要用剪刀按照图示剪下,所以收到后不要把纸板扔掉,特别提醒一下,这样大小组件一共总计20pieces(件)。

2、 块:每2分钟写入未使用的区块---(不勾) 是否将只下载了部分数据分段(16kb blocks)就停止下载活动达到或超过2分钟的非完整区块(piece)写入硬盘B. 立即写入已下载完毕的区块--(不勾) 是否每下载完毕1个完整区块(piece)立即写入硬盘 (不勾则最多延迟15秒再写入硬盘)uTP虽基于UDP协议但有所不同,
